Toast for Breakfast?

Last week my fourteen year old informed me that his school was having a breakfast party to celebrate the upcoming holiday.

“That’s great, it sounds like fun! Are you supposed to bring something in?” I asked him.

“Toast.” He replied matter of factly.

I chuckled.”Toast?”

“Yea,” he responded, “it’s easy and cheap so, I said toast.”

“Well, I could make cinnamon buns, or something if you wanted. To surprise them. Would you like that?” I asked him.

“Um, sure. That would be good but I won’t tell them,” he replied somewhat enthusiastically.

Yesterday, when we were at the market, he reminded me of the rolls I said I’d make, so I used my phone to Google some recipes for cinnamon buns. I quickly became intimidated because yeast is apparently a required ingredient.

Yeast and I don’t get along.

No worries! I’m brilliant! Instead of failing miserably making them from scratch, I decided to just buy a few containers of the refrigerated rolls. I’d just pop open the can and bake them in the morning before he left for school. Easy peasy, right?

This morning I start my coffee and open the fridge to get out the three tubes of refrigerated dough. I don’t see them anywhere. Not on the shelves. Not in the drawers. Not on the door. I begin to get anxious and imagine they were left at the store. I crossed my fingers and opened up the freezer. Yay! There they were!

I pull out my baking pans, spray them down with non-stick spray then look at the rock hard tube of dough for the temperature to set the oven.


For the next half-hour I worried over two possible explosions: my sons from disappointment or the frozen tubes of dough. Fortunately, everyone here is used to my scatterbrain, so my son was hardly concerned and thankfully the tubes haven’t exploded.

By the way — just in case you were wondering it was BF wasn’t me who put the rolls in the freezer and I don’t think there is anyone out there who really hates toast.

Creamy (is an Understatement) Ameretto Cheesecake with Drunken Nectatrines

Well, I finally did it! After years of dreading and putting off making my very first cheesecake, I finally got ‘er done.

I wanted to bake something special (it was special alright) for a diner my sister was hosting for Father’s Day and decided there was no time better to cross this long avoided task off of my list.

I asked my Mom if my Dad liked cheesecake and she said, “yes, with fruit on top.”

I really wanted to use a recipe in my BakeWise cookbook, as everything from there usually turns out deliciously. Disapointingly, there were only two cheesecakes to choose from, either of which had fruit. No matter, I did some research and settled on the Creamy Ameretto Cheesecake and decided to make a complimenting Ameretto Nectarine fruit topping.

I had all of my ingredients and breezed along the recipe taking beautiful pictures along the way. Here are a few of my favorites…

I had a feeling this was going to be the best cheesecake that my family ever tasted.

Oh, how they’d sing my praises!

Yeah, well it tasted good, but it certianly didn’t resemble a cheesecake. At. All.

Looking back, I can see that I clearly had a few things working against me, here.

    • The first, and most crucial, was that the cheesecake didn’t bake long enough. DOH!
    • The second, instead of waiting for the (underbaked) cake to fully cool before adding my topping, I dumped it on right away which made this already-not-going-to-set-correctly-cake a little bit lot more liquidy then it should have been.
    • Third, I didn’t think it would be a big deal to drive to the next state over with a keep refriderated cake in a car that has no air conditioning on a 84° day.

Yeah, after about 20 minutes of driving, half of the cake fell apart.

I didn’t get mad either, nope, I just shook my head and laughed at myself. God, I love these pills!

Anyway, after I got to my sisters, the disaster was put in the fridge and cooled for a few hours.

My poor sweet family said they still wanted to try it and agreed that it tasted fantastic but indeed needed to be baked longer.

Of course, no one wanted to take any of my soupy creation home, and I still remained hopeful that I could do something to make it some kind of normal looking dessert, so I trecked it back home.

In the heat.

When I finally got back to the house I transeferred the slop cheesecake remains into a bowl and stuck it in the fridge.

It’s still there, awaiting it’s fate of meeting my fancy new trash can.

I haven’t given up on cheesecakes, yet, no way! I will figure it out someday, but for right now I’m crossing it off my list because I never said it had to be a really good one. When I do revisit this recipe and make a surviver I’ll share it with you, because like I said, it tasted really good, just didn’t turn out right!

Versatile Blogger Awards – Tons of Linky Love!


The first time I was awarded a Versatile Blogger Award from the very lovely and talented Sawsan, aka The Food Doctor, I was dead smack in the beginning of  what has turned into the most difficult time in my life. My brain certianly wasn’t function correctly and I never properly accepted the award and passed it along to other bloggers.

For this I always felt guilty but didn’t want to just bring it up weeks or months later… That would be odd. So yesterday, when another one of my favorite bloggers, Blogject announced that she was awarding me with the versatile blogger award I figured that this was the opportunity I could take to redeem myself and accept them both at the same time.

Before I get started with a lot of linky love and  14 unknown things about me I just want to send out my thanks Sawsan and the girl who writes the Blogject 😉 The both of you have provided me with a great deal of support and love over the past two months and it means so very much to me. I look forward to reading each of your blogs every single day.

Sawsan, your recipes make me so hungry and inspire me to (someday) get back to the stove top. I will have no need to reference any of my cookbooks when I finally do start cooking again because I want to make every single recipe you have ever posted! I love that you share tidbits of your life with lovely stories of your children before each wonderful recipe and the way you interact with all of your readers. You are a truly wonderful person and a great blogging friend, I am so lucky to have found you and I thank the universe for bringing you into my life!

The Girl who writes the Blogject, I cannot tell you how sweet you are! I enjoy your blog so much and the way you share with your readers your life’s ups and downs. Your positive attitude towards the good and bad is so refreshing and I smile every time I read your posts. I love that you are so honest and are clearly a very hard worker who is dedicated to making the best of life. Also, I am so glad it is finally Thursgay because I’ve been waiting 7 whole (long) days for part 2 of your Coming Out series!! I thank the universe for allowing me to meet you, whether you know it or not you have provided me with strength and a lot of smiles and  a sudden urge to move to the UK because it just sounds like a great place to live!

This brings me to the fun part:

Rules of Accepting the Award:

This award comes with two conditions, share 7 things you didn’t know about yours truly and pass on the award to other wonderful bloggers.

Since I am officially accepting 2 awards I am going to share with you a lot of linky love and random facts about myself.

I am a regular at sharing my favorite bloggers with you and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of my new favorite blogs, as well as, some that I am sure you will recognize. I’ve been blog stalking a lot of these unfamiliar blogs for quite a few weeks now and have just recently subscribed to each and every one because it is so much easier than tracking them down! If you are a regular reader and don’t see your name on this list, please don’t feel upset with me, this award has been passed around more than a few times and I want to make sure my whole community has received one, I’d also like to get the word out about some fabulous bloggers that you may not have heard of yet.

To help make it easy on everyone to find some new reads, I am going to break these into catagories as I am listing 14, yes 14 of old and new favorite blogs:



Yerttle’s Blog

Jenna’s Everything Blog

The Pleasure Monger

Entirely Adequate


German American Abroad

Don’t Make that Face

Crusin’ with Serendipity


Sweet Caroline’s Cooking

Savoring Every Bite

Sweet and Crumby


Vieques Dream House Diary

The Yvestown Blog



My Life’s List

Sylvia Morice’s Blog

Okay, so I cheated, I added 17 instead of 14 but it was really hard to pick just 14! I have a feeling you won’t mind because I know you just can’t resist links to great reads, so indulge!

And if you are still here after all of super those great links and want to know some random things about me here you go:

  1. I hate scary and gory movies but love the HBO Series True Blood, which is both scary and gory.
  2. I am addicted to reality shows on Bravo, Real House Wives of NJ and NY being my favorites, Millionaire Matchmaker being my third.
  3. I daydream 24/7
  4. I believe myself to be the black sheep of my family
  5. I think I am beautiful but don’t want to be vain so I have never admitted it. I do not look in mirrors when other people are present but do it a lot when I am alone.
  6. I had a 3 year addiction to Craigslist Missed Connections. It didn’t matter what city or state, I just loved reading about desperate pleas of unrequited love
  7. I plan on moving overseas once my children are settled in their adult lives
  8. My biggest dream that I plan on accomplishing is to be a writer and have a book (or two or three) published by the time I am 50
  9. I wear the same size clothes as my 13 year old daughter and couldn’t be happier about it
  10. I love tube tops. I know a lot of people hate them but I dont.
  11. I want to get a boob job
  12. If I could be anything in the world I’d choose to be an actress. I think I’d be great at it but never had the confidence to give it a go.
  13. I love art, any type of art, though modern is the least favorite
  14. My name is not really Ginger Couturier, I figured if Dr. Seuss could have a pen name then so could I. I came up with the name by finding adjectives that meant thrifty and fashion. I love the name Ginger and think it suits me well. I could not pronounce Couturier (Coo-ter-ey-err) for months which made it hard for me to tell people the name of my blog and often had to look for the spelling of it. I have no plans on changing my pen name. I love it.

Everyone’s A Winner!

Cookies for a Cause Winners!

I had planned on posting the winnerS of the Cookies for a Cause Contest last night, but the universe had another idea in mind for me, so I am officially posting the winnerS today.

Originally, I had planned only picking only one winner but since I had only two participants and I love them both so very much for playing I am going to reward each entrant with a prize!

The first place prize goes to Yerttle!

I cannot believe what an outstanding job this lovely girl did promoting her SocialVibe Cause. Yerttle chose to support the American Red Cross, as this organization is so near and dear to her big young heart. During the time of the contest there was a terrible tornado in Joplin, Missouri, which is located very close to her home town. The Red Cross was of course a huge help to the folks whose lives were ripped apart in this terribly unfortunate disaster. Yettle proved to her readers not only that she was on the right track by encouraging them to donate a few moments of their time but also that this was a worthy cause which would help disaster victims in ways that are selfless and priceless.

The second place prize is going to CaryBear21!

CaryBear21 participated by adding the SocialVibe widget to support DonorsChoose, which is an organization that helps underfunded classrooms afford supplies. This cause is a bit different then others, as the teachers are lucky enough to select which supplies would benefit their classrooms the best. Although Cary didn’t have the results that I am sure she was hoping for I am super happy that she chose to participate, and in turn, has made a difference in the lives of others.

If you haven’t checked out the blogs of Yerttle and CaryBear21 yet, please do so! Both of these women are very lovely bloggers who stepped up to the plate in order to make a difference in the lives of strangers. Aside from being so kindhearted I am subscribed to both of their blogs because they are wonderful writers, photographers and women in general.

Now, because I chose 2 winners for the Cookies for the Cause instead of the one I originally planned, I have decided to not only send the originally stated prize to Yerttle and to Cary, but I am also going to include in Yerttles’ gift basket of yummy cookies a $10 gift card so that she can make a donation in her name to the RedCross for any of the categories she chooses.  I was going to donate to the cause myself but I want this to be in her name because of her passion for the cause. I have a feeling she will pick the Help for Military Members and Their Families, but the choice will totally be up to her!

So, with all of that being said, if the lovely Yerrtle and CaryBear21 would email me ( their shipping addresses and a tiny little clue so I can be sure the email is from you I will get started on making the gift baskets that you both certainly deserve! Also, please let me know if you have any nut allergies so I can accommodate!

Thank you both so much for participating and also thank you so much for taking the time to make a difference in other peoples lives.

If any other readers want to help you still can! Please click on my SocialVibe widget or either of these girls widgets! It only takes a minute or two and really can lead to a big impact. While you are at it, if you come across any other bloggers who have a SocialVibe widget, click on theirs also or you could even add your own widget!

And now for a recipe because today should be a winning day for everyone!

Does anyone recogonize this picture? These were the brownies I made for the lovely Miss Dacia (her’s didn’t have the nuts though) for the first contest I had run a ways back. They are fan-freaking-tastic. Anyone who has a sweet tooth, loves chocolate, fudge, brownies, or sugar will want to make these. Don’t be intimidated by all of the ingredients, they really are very easy to make and even easier to eat.

Shirley’s Fudgy Brownies from the best baking cookbook I own, BakeWise by Shirley O. Corriher


1 & 1/2 cups pecans (can be omitted per your preference)

1 & 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut in 1 tbs pieces, divided (remove 2 TBS butter if not adding nuts)

Non-stick cooking spray

12 oz semi sweet chocolate, chips or finely chopped

1 oz German Chocolate

4 large eggs (room temp)

3 large egg yolks (room temp)

1 & 1/2 cups dark brown sugar, packed

1 cup confectioners’ sugar

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

3 tablespoons light corn syrup

1 tablespoon vanilla

3/4 teaspoon salt

1 & 1/2 cups bleached all purpose flour, spooned and leveled


Arrange a shelf in the middle of oven – preheat 400 degrees (149 celsius)

Spread pecans on baking sheet roast for 10 minutes; after removing, while nuts still hot combine them with 2 TBS butter, when cool coarsley chop & set aside (this step may be removed)

Line 13x9x2 inch pan with parchment sprayed LIGHTLY with non-stick spray. Allow overhang on both sides for easy removal of brownies once done

Place remaining 1 & 1/2 cups butter around edges of microwave safe bowl (or double broiler) Place choclated in the center and melt in microwave 1 minute (or in double broiler) stirring frequently until fully melted. Set aside

In a large bowl beat the eggs with a fork to combine whites and yolks. With a minimum of hand stirring, stir together eggs, yolks, sugars, corn syrup, vanilla and salt.

By hand, with minimum stirring, add melted chocolate to egg mixture. Stir in the flour (make sure it is well combined.. no lumps, I made this error and it ruined the batch!!)

Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth out.

Add pecans to batter in the pan and lightly press down and smooth out, covering the nuts with the batter lightly. (this step may be removed)

Place pan into preheated oven and bake until brownies pull away from the edge of the pan, about one hour.  A toothpick inserted should come out wet with gooey chocolate.

Cool completely in the pan on a rack. Once cooled remove using flaps and cut into 2 inch squares. Wrap in plastic wrap individually and store refrigerated for best results.

This post is kinda all over the place and I can’t pull it all together in a short and witty title….

My Mom always had a wonderful way of making me feel very special on my birthday. She would throw large parties for me, provide me with extremely thoughtful gifts, make glorious Strawberry Shortcakes and always, always let me pick the diner.

Because tacos have always been my favorite food and we didn’t have them too often (my dad didn’t like them very much) I would always go for Mexican! Whether it was tacos at home or going out to eat I almost always picked tacos.

If we were going out to eat my favorite restaurant was Chi-Chi’s, it was the closest thing to “real” Mexican food that I knew of and I just loved it!

The best part was that after eating all of the chips and salsa and plates piled up with delicious food, the whole waiting staff would gather together and sing very loudly a festive happy birthday song while wearing sombreros and shaking maracas.  It was so much fun and left in front of me my very favorite treat in the world… Fried Ice Cream! Oh, the whole 2 hours were fantastic and my very favorite way to celebrate my birthday.

Chi-Chi’s has since closed down and since I can (and do) make Mexican food weekly, I no longer have the need to actively seek it out. This year when my Mom had asked if I wanted to go out to eat for my birthday I asked her if we could meet at Wegman’s. I had heard so many wonderful things about this “plush” supermarket, and have been wanting to meet her there for quite sometime.

I think she was pleased with my choice (finally, no Mexican!) and we agreed to all meet at the store, which is a half-way point between our homes.

My Dad and niece even came along and I had a wonderful time. After we ate our yummy lunches my Mom and I ventured into the supermarket. I wasn’t feeling very well and stated that I only wanted to head to the produce section to grab blackberries for a recipe I planned on making. I also had wanted to buy corn on the cob to make Rufus’ recipe for grilled corn, but that was not so fresh, so I passed on that for another time and continued to look around. All of the berries looked fresh and weren’t too expensive so I couldn’t resist buying not only blackberries, but raspberries and strawberries too.

From there we set out to find my Dad and niece who said they would meet us in the candy isle. This is when things changed from blackberries and corn to full fledged a romp (crippled strut lol) through pretty much the whole store. Milk was $2.55 a gallon, I needed it at that price! Then I remembered I really needed coffee, so I grabbed the kind I normally buy and decided to pick up a can of the Wegman’s brand that my Mom said her friend raves about… coffee under $3.00?  Why not? I also picked up new ramekins for the blackberry recipe and snatched up some toothpaste and hand soap which were only 80 cents.

I officially love this store!

Finally, we made our way to the candy isle and of course I saw the most tempting Gummy Bears and had to buy some of those, which the kids and I proceed to eat later in the evening!

After we checked out and my Dad and niece found us (I was we were taking forever) I hobbled we walked back out to the parking lot.

My Mom and Dad gave me a few very needed, much appriciated and happy to receive birthday gifts. My Mom knows me all too well, in fact so well that I can’t figure out if she stalked my list or just knew me that well.

She had gotten me 2 laundry hampers, yay! Off the list! Also, I received a Brita water pitcher (which I had been thinking about buying since Huz left,) a pack of filters for the water pitcher, and some other fun house things.

I am so excited for the water pitcher! I normally buy gallons of water which range from 85 cents and up to 1.99 a piece. This lovely little invention is going to save me between $212-$497 over the period of about 6 months! That’s a lot of dough! Yay Mommy!

Of course, I haven’t figured out how much I will be paying the water department, but that’s not important right now!

Okay, so I did a whole lot of talking about my birthday and the outing and my lovely gifts but what does that have to do with the photo at the top of the post? Well, nothing.

Just Kidding!

On Friday night I was doing what I do every night before bed… Blog Stalking and happened upon a new favorite Miss Anthropist’s Kitchen. I was immediatly drawn into her world when I laid my eyes (and began to drool) over her post about Blackberry Cobbler. Her pictures are absolutely stunning and of professional quality! It also helped that her recipe was very simple and required few ingredients. If you are a fellow foodie (I know you are, don’t deny it!) I encourage you to check her blog out!

I had planned on making the recipe just as she had written it but blackberries were very expencive so I opted for a 3/1 ratio of blackberries and raspberries. I also didn’t realize (until I was settled at home and two beers in) that I did not have lemons or juice on hand so I substituted that with 1/2 a tablespoon of white vinegar. The last change I made was to use 6 ramekins instead of her suggested 8 (the raspberries just melted into the glorious syrup and I didn’t have as much berry filling as I  am guessing I should have had.)

This was delicious!




An absolute winner! I will be using this recipe for-ev-errrr!!!!

Below I have copied, pasted, then edited the recipe to reflect the changes (in blue) that I made from Miss Anthropist’s recipe. I strongly encourage you to check out her blog (go there! go there!), my picture does not do her recipe any justice!

Mini Blackberry Raspberry Cobblers Adapted from original recipe located here...


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (omitted)
  • 6 tablespoons cold butter (I only had salted so I omitted the salt recommended above)
  • 1/4 cup boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (1/2 TBS white vinegar)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 4 (3)cups fresh blackberries (1 cup raspberries), rinsed and drained


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
  2. In a large bowl, mix the flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut in butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in 1/4 cup boiling water just until mixture is evenly moist.
  3. In a separate bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in cold water. Mix in remaining 1 cup sugar, lemon juice (vinegar), and blackberries/raspberries.
  4. Transfer to a skillet, and bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
  5. Evenly distribute sauce mixture to 8 (6) ramekins.
  6. Drop dough on top of mixture in the ramekins by spoonfuls.
  7. TO AVOID A MESS, place ramekins on a baking sheet before baking.
  8. Bake 15-20 (25-28)minutes in the preheated oven, until dough is golden brown (whilst cobblers are baking send thousands of texts messages to a friend ~who understands your obsession with baking~ about how fantastic your home smells and how great the treats are going to taste.)


Lastly… I want to say that later on this afternoon. I will be announcing the winners, (yes winners ~ and an explanation as to why I picked 2) of the contest I ran a few weeks ago. I will also be including the recipe for the brownies from the first contest I ran a few months ago especially just for Lexi who probably thinks I forgot all about her. I didn’t forget you Lexi, I’m just a true blooded procrastinator!

Seventy Four


I have been patiently waiting since MARCH to make these lovely little bites of goodness. Ever since my (now dear) friend, metrocakegirl, posted these delicious creations on her blog the domestic epicurean I’ve been determined to give them a go.

Oh, yum! I had to let everyone know that I don’t *really* hate cupcakes and what a recipe to prove it with!

If you know Metro and read her blog but aren’t sure which one of her recipes to try out first (or next!) may I suggest her vanilla orange cupcakes with orange zest butter cream frosting? This cake is OUTSTANDING and the frosting has beautiful specks of orange zest that is sure to bring a smile to your taste buds. Metro was even kind enough to explain to me how to frost my cupcakes fancy and though they are no comparison to her beautiful piping skills, I certainly had a lot of fun!

If you haven’t had a chance to check out Metros blog yet, I’m encouraging you to head over there right now! She is a very lovely girl and I am very lucky to have had the chance to get to know her AND make her REALLY GOOD CUPCAKES!

Thanks Metro!!

Who Says Cupcakes Have ALL The Fun?

Betcha' can't eat just one!

I’d like to take a brief moment to talk about cupcakes. Personally, I find it a little odd that the popularity of the cupcake has reached such epic proportions.

  • There are tv shows about cupcakes.
  • There are blogs dedicated solely to cupcakes.
  • There are bakeries that only sell cupcakes.

I suppose I kind of get it. I can’t deny that they are cute, fun and tasty. The good people of the world love their cupcakes. Some people even pay a lot money for these ridiculously overpriced 4 inch sugar injected treats.

Certainly though, cupcakes aren’t the only delicious little baked good that can bring a smile to someones mouth.

In all honesty, I don’t really have anything against cupcakes. I enjoy making them and eating them from time to time, but I am not writing an ode to cupcakes today. Nope, I figure they all ready get way too much attention on their own. Instead, I’ve decided to dedicate this post to another yummy, easy to make, fantastic to eat and totally underrated treat.


Yup. Muffins.

Can anybody explain to me why these cutie pies don’t they get any of the fun-loving attention they deserve?

Some of you might say, “A muffin? Seriously? Is she really sticking up for bland, predictably boring muffins? They are dry, they are plain, they don’t deserve any homage!”

Well, to those who may think that, I have to tell you, I strongly disagree.

Muffins are fantastic!

First of all, they aren’t as delicate as their fancy-shmancy cousins the cupcakes who always get all dressed up with their icings and decorations. And because muffins don’t have that all of that sugary goop on top they are much easier to transport, store and share.

Muffins are like the girl next door in the world of baking; relaxed, down to earth and low maintenance.

Also, muffins aren’t made with as many eggs, butter and sugar as cupcakes, so while they are still a sweet treat, they have far less calories and fat than the snobby little cupcake.

I will even go as far as to say (if made correctly) muffins can be one of the very best bakery items around.

Having said that, I have been on quite a mission over the past 3 years searching for the most perfect chocolate chip muffin recipe in the world.

I would estimate that I have tried at least 15 different recipes; some have been absolute trash worthy, others mediocre and others, while very good, surely not title worthy of “The Best.”

Along the way, I have been very fortunate to find a few fantastic muffin recipes which I hold near and dear to my heart.

I’ve filed away a fresh lemon muffin recipe that is filled with just the right amount of sweetness and tartness. I have also added to my collection a wonderful and moist coffee cake muffin recipe that serves as wonderful comfort food on cold hurried mornings. But my absolute favorite is a larger than life blueberry muffin that is to die for, and has been rightfully named so by its creator, Colleen, at AllRecipes.

Oh, blueberry muffins! How I praise thee!

Blueberry Goodness

From the very beginning of blueberry season right up to the very end these muffins are some-what of a staple in our home. These very muffins have been plentiful in our kitchen for the past two years and will be, I expect, until the end of time.

Now, you may be asking yourself what is it exactly that I consider the qualities of a fabulous muffin.

Well, to start with, I love a harder and somewhat chewy, almost flakey outside that surrounds a dense, moist and pillowy like inside. It’s important to me that the feature ingredients are distributed evenly throughout, not overwhelming the muffin but truly not leaving any bite deprived. I look for a sweet (but not too sweet) batter and I LOVE when all of the flavors in a muffin, from the first bite to the last, marry well but more importantly stand out slightly on their own.

This leads me back to my search of the ultimate chocolate chip muffin. I disappointingly found in nearly all of the recipes I had tried that the muffins were extremely dry and the chocolate chips would be just that, chocolate bits that didn’t blend in with the rest of the muffin. The outsides were too hard and always fairly (if not terribly) bland. Overall, the treats always faired very disappointing and not worth making again.

Yesterday, however, I decided to take my very favorite blueberry muffin recipe and throw caution to wind. I made a few minor, very simple changes and ended up with the most perfect, absolutely delicious and to die for chocolate chip muffin.

Now, it certainly wouldn’t be nice of me to brag and tease you with all of this talk about the two best muffins that I’ve ever made without sharing with you the recipes, would it?

Below you will find the both of the recipes that I’ve adapted from Colleens original recipe, which you can find here. You will see that the batter is exactly the same for both recipes, with the exception of the stars… blueberries or chocolate chips. You will also notice that the topping is almost identical; the only change is the addition of cocoa powder for the chocolate chip muffins.



I do hope that you will take a few minutes (yes, they are very easy) to create the very best muffins you have ever made and better yet, ever ate.

Your taste buds will thank you, your family will thank you!

And you will be thankful that you can enjoy these spectacular little things just moments after taking them out of the oven. Nope, you won’t have to wait for them to cool off before dressing them up with fancy things before indulging like other certain treats.


Puttering at a Productive Pace

I just want to share a quick update on a few things that are going on…

First, I want to thank you if you voted in my first ever Poll Daddy poll to figure out what I should replace “Have a Girls Night with the S-i-L’s” from my list of Resolutions!

I had a lot of fun (maybe too much fun) making that little poll. It was really easy and completely customizable. If you ever want to add a little fun to your page I definitely suggest setting up a poll! Also, if you can’t figure out how to set it up leave me a comment and I’ll give you a few tips!

Anyhoo, it was a close call between Happy Hour with the Girls from work and Make Jell-o Shots and fork over the recipe. The general public has decided…

Happy Hour with the Girls From Work! 

I just need to figure out how to tie them all up and drag them to the bar get everyone together. I have faith!

Second, I’m sending out a reminder to sign up for the SocialVibe contest, it is still open! You still have 2 weeks and 2 days to make a HUGE difference in the lives of other people, it is free and easy and it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that you are doing something selfless and kind! Who wants to pass up warm and fuzzy?!

If you don’t feel like adding the widget to compete for super yummy cookies you can still help by visiting these really awesome blogs and clicking on their widgets! They have been pumping their cause and created wonderful posts explaining why they chose to support the cause that they did. I couldn’t come up with a post asking for support, even as half as wonderful as either of these girls!

Why don’t you check them out for yourselves, click for a cause, and help these girls win some cookies!

Yerrtle’s Blog   

My Life’s List 

When you are done supporting their causes be sure to give my cause a little love! Now I’m just making you work a little too much today, aren’t I?

Okay, now that you’ve done your good deeds to start the week I will leave you alone for a few hours! I am going to finish packing Huz’s clothes and officially take over one of his drawers. I’ll write about that later, along with some life changing challenges I am facing since my doctors visits on Friday.

Self-Imposed Chaos for a Cause

Ahh, Mother’s Day…

A day to relax and spend some loving time with your children; Perhaps a day to receive breakfast in bed and maybe even a small token of love and affection wrapped in a bow from the babes.

Or, in my case, a day to be spent arguing with putting the offspring to work in the garden while I slave away in my kitchen to making a delicious meal they will most likely turn their noses up to.

I kid. I kid.

Well, maybe. The day is still young and there are arguments still to be had.

For now though, I’m enjoying a peaceful begining to my holiday. Natalie is still asleep in her bed and Isaac is wreaking havoc at his best buds house.

Oh, quiet morning. It doesn’t get much better than this!

Or does it?

I had mentioned a few posts back that I was really excited about a surprise post I would be adding and I am happy to announce that today is the day!

A short time ago, I ran my very first contest requesting that the lovely residents of blogland submit ideas to me on how to pull a prank on the kids. In exchange for their devilish suggestions I was offering up some super fantastic brownies.

I thought for sure the contest would be of epic proportions and I would be left with an endless list of ways to make the babes squeal.

Yeah. Not so much.

The contest was an epic fail.

I received a whopping total of 2 (yestwo) entries. Of course they were 2 very good entries but I admit my feelings were crushed when the entire world wasn’t pounding down my door with pranks in hand trying to get at my super delish brownies.




(insert tiny violin and a Justin Timberlake song here)

Moving on.

If you haven’t heard me say this before, I’ll say it again and probably 45 more times in the futureI am not a quitter.

Instead of sulking and feeling totally defeated I remained excited and eager to please. It’s not like I didn’t have any contestants for my contest, that would have been embarrassing, and since I was lucky enough to have two entries for the contest I knew that the show must go on!

My sweet-to-the-core blogging friend Dacia, from the super great blog thirtythreeandcounting, was announced as the winner and my little mind got right to work. I couldn’t just send this sweet pea a boring box or paper bag filled with these wonderful fudgey brownies. No way man. I had to express my thanks to Dacia in proper Ginger form and make this a gift she would be sure to remember.

Of course, my life wouldn’t be mine if there weren’t disasters and catastrophes from the time I announced Dacia’s victory to the moment she actually received the prize, but as we all know, I’m a bit of a mess.

Once all of the chaos was sorted out at home, my trusty sidekick and partner in all things beautiful, Natalie and I made it our mission to find the most wonderful and beautiful packaging we could wrap these fantastic brownies in.

Presentation is everything!

Of course, we had no idea what we were doing and it took us quite a while to figure it out as we went from store to store.  After hours of searching and then finally putting the gift together we were rewarded with wonderful time working as a team and impressive results we couldn’t have been more pleased with.

May I present to you some pictures of a gift that was wrapped “really cool”?

The Goods
A gift wrapped really cool

Originally, when I referred to a special surprise, I was just talking about the wrapping of the gift. Wrapping a gift really cool was on my list and it was sure to be a surprise for Dacia who just thought she was getting some really good brownies. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for her but I couldn’t wait to post the above pictures.

Since quite a few of you expressed excitement to find out what this surprise post was all about (and because Natalie and I had SO MUCH FUN creating this little basket of goodness) I have decided to run another little contest.

This one will require minimal thinking on your part and the gift will certainly be worth a few minutes of your time.

Now, the prize above won’t be the prize that you receive. Oh no. This time the prize will be a wonderful assortment of 3 dozen delectable cookies in some type of really cool different type of wrapping.  The cookie type and packaging will be determined by the creative stylings of Natalie and I, probably the day before it ships.

Yes. I am crazy.

I am also a fantastic baker and Dacia has attested to that in her post here.

Okay, so the way to enter this contest is very simple.  There are only a few things you will need to do:

  • First, go to your Widgets section under your Appearance options on your WordPress Dashboard and add to your page a SocialVibe widget. Yes, folks we are helping other people here! 
  • Pick any cause you would like to support and add it to your page.
  • Leave a comment below indicating you are entering the contest, with a link to your blog and what cause you have chosen to support.
  • Click on my SocialVibe and do an event  (watching a commercial from what I’ve experienced.)
  • Encourage all of your readers to support your cause by clicking on your SocialVibe widget and doing an event. This is free to you and your readers and most importantly provides donations to your cause with every click!

That’s all you need to do! Really, it’s that simple!

Important Details:

This contest will be open from the time this post goes up until 11:59 pm (my time) May 31st. The winner will be the person who has collected on their SocialVibe widget the highest number under the part of the widget that says “My Readers Have Earned.”

This is why it is important to let your viewers know you need their help in supporting your cause!

This contest is open to any WordPress (com or net) user who is located within the continental US or Canada. I really wish that I could open it up to every single one of you but shipping is a small fortune and I have limited funds.

The winner will be announced by 11:59 pm (my time) June 5th and the I will provide my email address for you to send me your shipping address. No PO Boxes can be shipped to unfortunatly, so if you have one of those, please think of another arrangement. On or around June 6th these wonderful treats will be freshly baked, snuggly wrapped and shipped via Fed-Ex to you at your chosen destination. You can have them sent them to your home, office, as a gift. You decide who you want to share (or not share) with.

Additional Information:

If you have any nut allergies please let me know at the time of the shipping email, I will accommodate! Unfortunately, I am not a gluten-free baker and the cookies could be disastrous if I tried, so if you have this restriction in your diet, this contest may not be for you. I have been working in the food industry for almost 15 years and know how to handle food safely and correctly so you need not worry!

I really hope that someone plays!

De-cluttered Closet, Bubble Baths and All the Else

This week has been testing to say the least.

When I woke up on Sunday, I admit, I was feeling positive, hopeful and dare I say it, somewhat happy. I took the kids to my parents and we had a very nice Easter dinner. There was no fighting, no yelling, no traffic, a lot of good food and an overall peaceful mood through out the day.

Then Monday rolled around and I woke up in a deep depression. I was so depressed, in fact, that I can’t remember a damn thing I did. I’m sure it involved a lot of crying, but other than that, I am clueless.

On Tuesday, I tried to make the best brownies ever to ship to Dacia for winning the contest I ran oh, A MONTH AGO, but they didn’t turn out AT ALL. As they sat  in the oven, unbaking, I could see that they were boiling instead of setting. Those stupid things were in the oven for an hour an a half before I finally threw in the towel. My error? I took the “mix sparingly” a little to much to heart. The so called brownies had more lumps of flour balls in them than solid parts of brownie goodness. Disaster. Mind you, I’ve made these before and they are wonderful. Chalk it up to the fact that I have lost my mind.

By Wednesday, I was convinced that I was dying of pain, broken bones, internal bleeding and heartache but forced myself to truck on and get some things done, only because I knew it would make me feel a little more at ease. At 11:30 that night I couldn’t sleep because of the pain and forced my self to try an Epsom sat soak. It worked miracles.

Then came Thursday and I was feeling the best I have felt in three weeks. I was in the least amount of pain I had been in since this whole catastrophe, I was walking somewhat normal and it was the very first day in the past three weeks I didn’t cry. Not one tear.

Of course, today, I made for it by sobbing every other hour and feeling back to my normal stiff, achy pain filled self. All I want to do when I’m feeling like this is to curl into a ball, wail my lungs out, and drown in my tears. Obviously, I can’t do that so I just repeat to myself until I’m sensible “knock it off, he did this! You are doing the right thing.” I’m sure people think can see that I’ve lost my mind when I’m repeating this mantra to myself in public areas, but you know what, I feel like I’ve lost my mind, so let them think it.

My bosses have been very supportive with me and are helping me out in ways that I cannot even begin to tell you. It’s funny when now that I look back at the times that I thought I was so alone and sometimes even felt disliked by everyone that now I can see clearly that there are so many people that I matter to. There are so many people who care and are offering help to me and the kids. I am forever thankful to my bosses, my coworkers, my family and my friends. Someday I will show them how much they are helping me, someway, somehow. Maybe I’ll make them all cupcakes but if that goes anything like the way I’ve been trying to make Dacia’s brownies, I’m sure it will be in like ten years before they actually get them.

I am going to make her the best brownies ever by tomorrow afternoon and get them shipped tomorrow. Sorry, Dacia. I suck x’s 2., keep the faith.

Looking back over the past three weeks though I have accomplished some things on my list:

  • Reorganize the bathroom closet
  • Get rid of 4 towels and replace with 4 new (I’ve actually decided this was stupid. We have 50 or so towels. We do not need any more, in fact I got rid of 6. Off the list and pat on the back for common sense)
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Purge old beauty products

Not too many things, but some is better than none and I’m taking life one day at a time. Getting out of bed in the morning when you want to flat out give up should be on the list, but it’s not (yet) so I’m happy with the 4 I did do from the list.