Co-Sleeping Equals No Sleeping

Our youngest, who’s almost six months old, sure loves hijacking our bed sleeping with us. This was nice for a little while, but now it’s just annoying. Sure, it was fun in the beginning, and it felt nice to have him snuggle with us, but after a few months, co-sleeping has become a literal pain in the neck.

My neck hurts.

Like me, baby boy loves to snuggle. and stretch out. simultaneously. and he’s really good at it. He does this in such a way that I often wake up finding myself half-way off of the bed while his head is buried in my neck and his little feet are pressed firm against BF’s chest.


Aside from the bed hog hogging the bed, he likes to wake up frantically in “starving to death” mode, every three hours. Baby boy then nurses for 8 seconds before falling back asleep while I am left to lay the most uncomfortable way possible.

BF and I are realizing how ridiculous this has become and want to move him to his crib so we can snuggle with each other. And sleep. On the bed. It’s not that we don’t love baby boy, we just love (and miss) un-sore necks and unbroken sleep. So, we are making a plan to sleep train our little monster. It will be lovely when he sleeps in his crib. By himself. Hopefully, our plan will work and we will all sleep comfortably through the night.

Toast for Breakfast?

Last week my fourteen year old informed me that his school was having a breakfast party to celebrate the upcoming holiday.

“That’s great, it sounds like fun! Are you supposed to bring something in?” I asked him.

“Toast.” He replied matter of factly.

I chuckled.”Toast?”

“Yea,” he responded, “it’s easy and cheap so, I said toast.”

“Well, I could make cinnamon buns, or something if you wanted. To surprise them. Would you like that?” I asked him.

“Um, sure. That would be good but I won’t tell them,” he replied somewhat enthusiastically.

Yesterday, when we were at the market, he reminded me of the rolls I said I’d make, so I used my phone to Google some recipes for cinnamon buns. I quickly became intimidated because yeast is apparently a required ingredient.

Yeast and I don’t get along.

No worries! I’m brilliant! Instead of failing miserably making them from scratch, I decided to just buy a few containers of the refrigerated rolls. I’d just pop open the can and bake them in the morning before he left for school. Easy peasy, right?

This morning I start my coffee and open the fridge to get out the three tubes of refrigerated dough. I don’t see them anywhere. Not on the shelves. Not in the drawers. Not on the door. I begin to get anxious and imagine they were left at the store. I crossed my fingers and opened up the freezer. Yay! There they were!

I pull out my baking pans, spray them down with non-stick spray then look at the rock hard tube of dough for the temperature to set the oven.


For the next half-hour I worried over two possible explosions: my sons from disappointment or the frozen tubes of dough. Fortunately, everyone here is used to my scatterbrain, so my son was hardly concerned and thankfully the tubes haven’t exploded.

By the way — just in case you were wondering it was BF wasn’t me who put the rolls in the freezer and I don’t think there is anyone out there who really hates toast.

Just write. Or write a little, copy and paste a lot, and then write a little more.

I love the little inspirational message that pops up when you open up the full screen mode.

“Just write.”

I’ve been spending a lot of time messing with the theme of my blog. I’m feeling totally unsatisfied with its current state. The problem is I don’t know what I want it to look like. I don’t know what my title is. I don’t have a tag line. I don’t know who I am in this blogging world anymore.

I need an identity.

Is the problem that I don’t know who I am as a blogger or is it that I don’t know who I am as a person?

This is a question (and a logical one I think) because so much of my life has changed. My whole life has changed literally and I have the perfect opportunity to become a better than ever version of myself.

I am having a hard time writing a new about me page.

Maybe that is what my struggle really is.

I like to think I’ve had some great about me pages in the past. Looking back at the versions I have saved in my dashboard, they were all pretty well thought-out and described who I was during those time periods that I wrote them.

This was the first version I posted:

Welcome to my blog, thanks for checking it out! It’s currently under construction and will be while I get a feel for blogging and what works which way.

I’m sure if you come back tomorrow some things (or all of them) will be different.

In the mean time, feel free to poke around!

It’s Been Some Sort of Time

If you asked me what I’ve been up to, I suppose I’d say I’ve been getting stronger. And that’s the truth. I haven’t touched a camera in months, I haven’t collapsed and died, nor have I wanted to. I’ve been working hard, picking up the pieces, collecting new and moving along at an earth shattering speed. Well, for me at least.

I’m still waiting for the perfect job to come my way, but slowly realizing that it won’t just knock on my door. I haven’t written in God knows how long. I haven’t given up on my dreams. I’ve been absorbed in them, soaked to the bone. Huz still tries to bully me around, he knows I have a new man and tries to make me feel like shit about it. He told me he missed me. My therapist said he misses being able to control me. I know she is right.

I told him for a long time what I needed from him, he told me I was crazy and unrealistic. He said I’d never be happy.

He was wrong.

I’m in threat of losing my home and I’ve never been happier.

I am free.

I am looking for work. Perhaps I am unrealistic in my efforts, and still limping on the sidelines, but I have faith. In myself, in the universe, in God.

I know I will find my way and all of these lessons I will never forget.

Unedited Rambling About Huz

I’m feeling quite open today and figure I might as well take advantage of it while it’s here. Today has been quite an odd assortment of feelings and I used that to my advantage. Sort of. Huz has made it a habit to just pop in whenever he feels like, without calling ahead and it’s really been wearing on my nerves. I didn’t want to open anything up to an argument but I felt as if I didn’t say anything it would just keep happening. Before I tell you about how I handled the situation I should mention how an why he’s been coming here at all in the first place.

As you know the kids and I are in therapy, working on quite a lot and in the begining our therapisits had mentioned that they thought he should come as well, so he and I could get on the same page with our techniques. As you might guess, I was extremely uncomfortable with that idea. After I had some confidence about the whole situation and the kids under my belt I finally agreed to some counciling, just he and I. It’s been really effective in the sense that there are mediators there when we talk and they put the breaks on when things get heated between the two of us, we are also learning to communicate civilly and be a united front when it comes to the kids. However, as the weeks went by he started becoming more and more comfortable (really bad news in my opinion) and just showing up here and there. He even has taken showers here (this made me FURIOUS) and thought I wouldn’t have a problem with him sleeping here. I put the sleeping here to a stop immediatly but wasn’t sure how to address the random pop in’s.

“Just tell him to stop!” I can here you now, the problem is, it’s not that simple. First of all, I have an extremely hard time confronting him on anything. I also know that he is sharp witted and in any instance will snap back some type of responce that will leave me flustered and confused. I also know that when he feels offended he tends to “plot revenge” by attacking me either right away or a near future date. This situation needed to be handled strategically, and while my therapist has been prepping me for the big conversation, I still wasn’t feeling confident enough to go down that road quite yet.

This past Saturday however, when I was getting ready to see a friend, he just showed up and dropped our kids and HIS neice and nephew off so he could run an errand. No call first, no asking if I was able to do it. Just stopped by like it was the natural thing to do. Well, this really didn’t set well with me, in fact I am still fuming about it. What if my friend was here? How awkard would that have been? I guess you can say I’ve been dating a little and he knows it because flowers were sent to my house, and last week when he just popped up there was man evidence here. Each time when he asked about the flowers and the foreign beer I just said it was a friends, but I know he knows. If he doesn’t like seeing that stuff then perhaps he should call ahead, right? Anyway, back to Saturday.. I was livid and I let him know I was upset, but because I didn’t want any trouble I just watched the kids and decided I would firm up my plans with my therapist on (this) Tuesday, then bring up the subject in our therapy (this) Thursday. Sounded like a good plan… Until he just popped up again today.

If you saw my earlier posts today, you can probably come to the conclusion that my emotions were a bit scattered today. I was feeling back down in mood when he decided to just show up and though I remained calm, the longer he stuck around, the more I realized that something should be said. So after an hour of us not talking and me feeling uncomfortable I said I had to leave for my appointment. He wanted to use the van for something so he asked if I would just take the car.

“I guess.” I said rather snappy.

“You guess?” he said kind of mocking me.

“Yeah, well what are you doing?” I replied. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I know I was.

“I need the van” he said matter of factly.

“Well I don’t understand why you can’t call first,” I started to get it out. “Your always just showing up and it’s really rude. I wouldn’t just show up to your house.”

“Well my kids live here. They don’t live with me.” he said really quick (this is the predictable quick wit.)

“Yeah,” I said firmly, “that doesn’t give you the right to just come here whenever you feel like it. It’s rude.”

Then he really got witty by replying “Well when I am accused of spending only 12 hours a week with my kids..”

I cut him off. “It’s inappropriate and you need to stop.”

I then left.

Of course when I came back an hour and a half later he had bought us dinner and was just hanging out like he still lives here.

Ugh. Well I addressed it and made it clear that I don’t want him coming around whenever he feels like it, right? I can’t wait to talk about this with my therapist tomorrow and get some follow up tips. Then on Thursday I am going to bring it up again during our counciling, that way we can talk about it with witnesses and he can’t try to act like I didn’t address it with him. I’m sure he will be super defensive and bring it up that I am seeing someone but that isn’t any of his concern. And how he deals with it shouldn’t and hopefully won’t be my problem.


Emotional Abuse: The Backbone of Self-Doubt

Over the span of 14 years few things I accomplished ever satisfied my husband.

No matter how hard I worked at something or how proud I felt of my achievements, in his eyes, I was never quite good enough. After showing him results or telling him of my efforts on various tasks, I was always left feeling as if I had not produced anything substantial.

Case in point: I was very successful in my career and received many promotions throughout the years. Each time I moved to a higher position, I expected he would finally be proud of me. After sharing my exciting news of a promotion though, he would only inquire about my salary, and then advise I demand a higher income. This left me to feel as if my inflated paycheck was still far below his standards.

Instead of seeing the disappointment as his issue, I’d begin to feel bad about my job and increasingly dislike it for not meeting his expectations. Rather than being proud of my promotions, I became increasingly insecure of my abilities.

His criticisms weren’t limited to my salary, in fact, his expectations weighed heavier in the other areas of my life:

  • I was never a good enough mother
  • The home was never cleaned correctly
  • I spent too much money, despite using coupons or discounts
  • Another ingredient would have always improved what I prepared to eat

When I wasn’t being criticized by my husband I was being insulted. He frequently called me crazy, incapable, and dumb. If he wasn’t directly calling me names, he was making comments to imply my incompetence.

During conversations with him I often became flustered and insecure. Eventually the anticipation of being put down and scrutinized resulted in ineffective communication, which then carried over into other areas of my life.

For years, I believed that having tough skin could effectively block out his negativity and being harder on myself would eventually bring the results that would satisfy him. Now, after being separated from such an environment for a year, I realize my beliefs were only working against me.

It is clear that no matter how thick my skin was, or how dedicated to improvement I was, my low self-esteem and growing social anxiety were the products of living with daily emotional abuse. Low self-esteem became the backbone of my existence and essentially prevented me from truly growing to my full potential.

I’ve seen light-years of improvement in my self-opinion since this time last year. Only now, with this honest belief in myself, and no one to break it down, can I begin to imagine what I am truly able to accomplish .

Social Media Overload, Anyone?

I am not sure about all of you but I am in the midst of social media overload.

I have a WordPress.

I have a Tumblr.

I have a Twitter.

I have a Facebook.

I have a Facebook Page.

I have a Youtube.

I have a Blogspot.

I have a Pinterest.

I have a Polyvore.

And now I have a Posterous.

Am I insane? Well, yes, but for other reasons.

My real question is, does signing up for yet another social media account make me even crazier? Am I the only one with an overflowing amount of creative outlets? I can’t be!

I signed up with Posterous in the hopes that I will be able tie all (or most) of my accounts into one neat and tidy spot. I’ve read a lot of great reviews and I’m putting my faith into words from strangers.

Fingers crossed and please bear with me while I try to figure yet another program out.

ps If you have any tips or advice on how to easily pull this all together, let a girl know 🙂

Is this a Flare or Everyday Life?

It’s become my realization that I’ve been out of commission for the past 3 months or so, only doing the necessities to get by and the bare minimum while eagerly awaiting for this wretched flare to pass.

Since making the decision to stop taking Savella for my Fibromyalgia I’m in the process of learning to manage the pain and fatigue in a different way but it’s left me in a slump a majority of the time. My pain is sometimes absolutely unbearable and my energy level is constantly in the negative.

Is this how my life is going to be forever? If so, seriously, end it now. Is this just a flare?  If so, how much longer is it going to last?

Some day’s are worse than others but overall every day has been really bad. If the pain is tolerable I don’t have an ounce of energy and honestly, every day I feel like I am constantly on the brink of collapsing, therefore maiking even the simplest things, like going upstairs to the bathroom, a big deal.

Despite not having the strength or energy to get things done I have at least made myself do one thing each day. Whether it is cleaning something, cooking a meal, or making it to an appointment on time. It makes me feel better at the end of the day knowing that I did more than just rest. And even though I haven’t done anything above and beyond the requirements of living I am feeling pretty okay with myself because of getting that one thing done. In previous months all I could focus on was what I wasn’t getting done and to think like that did a lot more harm than good.

I wish I could say that today I feel good and that I have energy to really give the house a good cleaning or to go to the market or cook a few meals. I wish I had the energy to give myself a manicure or that the thought of getting a manicure didn’t sound so painful, but still, again, today, I can’t say that. I don’t know if it’s the weather, stress, or the missing meds keeping me in this flare, but I’m beginning to believe that I need to accept this is how it’s going to be.

I should stop waiting for a good day to live life.

I know there are terrible consequences from pushing yourself too hard when you have fibro, or any other similar disease, but I have to wonder, am I pushing myself enough?

I do know that I can’t function like this forever, I’ll never get anything accomplished. I want to live and feel alive again. How can anyone live like this? How hard can you push yourself until it’s not worth it?  There has to be a way to get more done.

If any of you have tips on how to accomplish more when your feeling awful, please, please, please share! Any tips or tricks you have about getting a flare into a calm state would be great too.

In the meantime, I’ll be brainstorming… From the couch.

It’s Okay to Not be Okay

It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything here and I don’t much feel like writing right now, but I do feel overwhelmed with guilt for not keeping up with this blog that I do love so very much. I wish I could say that I’ve been absent from the blogosphere because of being busy with projects, or because of a long vacation to some tropical place or even that I’ve been doing anything productive with my time, for that matter. The truth is though that I’ve just been trying to keep my head above water and survive lately.

Last year was really rough on me and I feel like everything should have fallen into place by now and that I could be moving forward in a new and exciting life, but after a long hard look at what is going on here, my therapist brought me to the conclusion that I am still in transition. I felt relieved after realizing that this is what is going on because for the past two months I’ve been feel terrible, assuming that all of this stress and lethargy and aggravation was going to be the rest of my life from now on.

I feel as though I am climbing up yet another very steep mountain and for quite sometime I couldn’t see the top. While I am still not seeing the top, I do feel a grand sense of comfort knowing that it really isn’t to far off.

Does that even make any sense?

I’ll rephrase it in another way that my therapist related it to me. She said to think of it as a snow globe. Back in April of last year, when all of the issues came to a head it was like someone shook a snow globe and all of the bits and pieces of my life where just swirling about rapidly. Chaos and confusion and unstructured. Little by little as time goes by and I implement new ways to live life and create a peaceful and structured environment for the kids and I, the particles (or bits of snow) are starting to settle into place. While all of the bits and pieces aren’t exactly settled and where they need to be, many of them are. The water is calm, it is easier to see the pretty ornament (my family goals) on the inside, and I am just dealing with the few stray particles that haven’t quite found their place.

There are still so many days that pass where I feel angry, bitter, sad and lost, but it’s not every hour of every day and I can pull myself out of the storm when I recognize that I am falling into the easier place to be. Easier? Yes, easier. Sometimes it is just easier to be sad or angry, and my therapist says that it makes sense. She said I should be more compassionate towards myself though because she knows I would never be so hard on someone else who would be in my shoes. I’m actively working on pulling myself out of the bad moods and thoughts and sometimes it can be down right exhausting, but it is making some difference. On the days when I don’t realize or even feel like pulling out of that mood, I am working on allowing myself those feelings, without being too hard on myself.

I Got This! No, I Don’t. Wait… Yes, I Do?

Yesterday was a wonderful day for me, from the moment I woke up until I fell hard asleep, I was full of optimism about the direction I had chosen to direct my attention to. With the new found mission to find happiness in myself and build up my self-esteem I was confident about life and honestly felt on top of the world.

Yesterday was a happy day.

Today… Not so much.

My alarm didn’t go off this morning and with the kids having winter break last week I had gotten used to sleeping in and didn’t wake up until 2 hours from the time my alarm was set for. This of course meant that Natalie had missed her bus and I would need to drive her to school. Normally I would get frantic and screamy but this morning I wasn’t.

“No worries,” I told myself.

I reprogrammed my alarm so that I wouldn’t have the same problem again tomorrow, cheerfully woke up my sleeping beauty, got dressed, made my coffee and drove her off to school.

No yelling, no cursing, no bad self-talk. I was in control and feeling positive.

Once I returned home I was feeling capable and decided to take care of a few important things that I had been avoiding doing for quite some time.

First up, check my bank account balance, normally knowing how much money you have is a good thing.

With in moments of logging into my bank account it was discovered that my loan payment that was to be automatically deducted from the account last week was deducted correctly… but then credited back. This is the second time I’ve had an issue like this so while I didn’t really get too upset, I do admit that I was a wee bit annoyed.

I immediately called the bank but because of the holiday no one was able to help me. I have to call them tomorrow. Grrr.

“That’s okay,” I assured myself, “just move on to the next task.”

Grrr. Another closed office. Okay, well try the doctors office… Yup they were closed, too.

My Ears were starting to ring but I was dedicated to not go down that road.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Ahh.

Move on to the next phone call.

Grrr. Really?

Self talk: I should have known that no one would be available. Now, I’ll just have to do this all tomorrow. Don’t get mad, you aren’t dumb.

About an hour later Isaac is out of bed (he has an extended “vacation” because of a suspension for playing superhero and beating another boy up in school) and already cursing because he hurt himself.

Yup, cursing.

Side note: I could write a whole blog about how boys should not behave based on everything he does within the span of an hour, instead though, read on for a few examples.

Any-who, I am doing my breathing, calmly telling him in a quiet voice “Stop cursing.” One. Million. Times.

One. Million. Times. I hear “F&*K!”

Things really begin to escalate when he somehow comes to the conclusion that because he is in pain he is now entitled to do whatever he wants.

Which includes cursing me out to my face, behind my back, and behind doors.

I can feel that I am losing my cool and getting louder with my demands that he stop cursing.

Breathing exercises again.

I distract myself by making him lunch but become furious as I am barked at to get him water.

I yell.

He stomps over to the computer (which he has been banned from using because of the suspension) and refuses to get off. That’s fine, I decided that after me repeating 30 times “get away from the computer” (without screaming at the top of my lungs, despite the ringing in my ears, scary heart pounding and boiling hot blood, thank-you-very-much) that I was taking his cell phone and Ipod.

I (relatively) calmly told him that he would get his things back after he gets away from the computer and apologizes for treating me so terribly.

Naturally, this would cause any normal person to punch a hole in the wall… So that’s exactly what he did.

I FLIPPED. I started screaming, yelling, and throwing his things. I broke his headphones. Not cool, it completely reinforced his actions but I didn’t even think, I just responded.

I found myself in this awful place, it was as if I was looking at myself screaming at the little brat but I recognized it and took a huge step back. I breathed and shut my mouth.

I picked up the phone to distract myself and called Huz. This did not help at all. I was suddenly screaming again.

I had lost control of the situation, regained it and then re-lost it along with my self-esteem from the day before.

Now, I know this may all sound horrible to you. I mean, it is terrible and this is not normal. I know that. Hence, the three days of therapy that we attend each week.

So after I hung up the phone I walked around the house. Breathing, not speaking. Breathing. I grabbed the keys, told Isaac to get his shoes and coat and we went for a ride.

I didn’t yell.

He didn’t yell.

In fact, for 10 minutes, we didn’t make a sound.

Then we talked.


He apologized, on his own, from his heart.

I accepted his apology and returned one. He accepted mine.

Were this a year ago, and Huz was here, we’d all be fighting like maniacs (worse than mentioned above) for days.

While you may take this as insanity, I see it as progress.

And no, no 12 year out should call his mother a b-word and tell her to f-off, and no, it is not acceptable, but I take responsibility for the level my anger climaxed to.

I was already frustrated, I woke up late, had a ton of failure trying to get things done and may have not been as attentive to him as I should have been because of this.

What could I have done differently to avoid this entirely?

I’m not sure. Maybe nothing, maybe something.

What I do know is that I am not going to beat myself up over it, as I would have, were it a year ago.

I have let it go and it made me feel good to do so. But not without nagging questions in my mind.

  • How do I get back to that happy feeling I had yesterday?
  • Was that feeling even real?
  • Is that happy feeling the cause of my frustrations? Did I have such a fear of losing that I became so anxious, I ultimately created the frustration for myself?
  • Is it crazy that, although I am not feeling happy, I do feel oddly confident for regaining control over my anger after a relatively short amount of time?

How would you have handled such a chain of events? Would the waking up late, and/or non-success with the phone calls have frustrated you? Or would you just have accepted that those things are just a part of everyday life? How would you have responsibly handled such an out of control and troubled child?