The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

One Thanksgiving, when I was about eight years old, my brothers and I were watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in the living room while my Mom and Dad were cooking in the kitchen. My brothers and I were enjoying the floats and the big character balloons up until the very end when the last float of the parade was Santa’s Sleigh. It pumped out Christmas music as dancers dressed liked elves pranced around the float and Santa waved from the top. I ran into the kitchen to tell my parents how crazy the parade was to have Santa, “Christmas is still another month away!”

Being a child, a month felt like such a long time and December was always the longest month. It now strikes me as funny that I was so annoyed with the Santa Clause float. I was just a kid and I wonder why the float didn’t excite me and put me in the holiday spirit.

As the years of my adulthood pass, I witness Christmas being egged on sooner and sooner by retailers. Just last month when BF and I were at the nearby mall, walking through Bloomingdale’s we saw a few workers pulling out elaborate Christmas decorations. I rolled my eyes a bit but held onto comments about how ridiculous it felt to see Christmas displays when Halloween was still a few weeks away.

Over the past few weeks it’s been hard not to notice all the sales the stores are advertizing. Good sales, at that. I thought they were just clearing out stock so they could bring in seasonal items to sell, at first, but most of the discounts I’ve seen have been for things people will be buying for Christmas gifts. Video games, tv’s, toys, winter clothes and accessories, appliances, and home goods. Is it true? Is the holiday season already upon us?

For some reason I am not feeling as annoyed with it this year as I have been in the past. Maybe it’s because I have a baby now and little kids make Christmas feel more exciting. Maybe I am just happier and less cynical than I have been in the past. Maybe I am just used to being told we should get in the spirit sooner than later and have finally been brainwashed.

Last night, while driving home through the city, I spotted a lit up and fully decorated Christmas tree in someone’s apartment. I did an out-loud chuckle and pointed it out to BF. Through the rest of the ride home we saw no less than a dozen homes lit up with Christmas lights. BF asked if I had Christmas lights we could put up this year. Ten minutes had passed before I noticed the excitement brewing inside of me about decorating the house this year. Maybe even early.

Then I thought about all the Christmas things we’ve already begun doing early. We started watching holiday movies last week. Natalie and I talked about restarting our “bake a million Christmas cookies” tradition again. I’ve been thinking about what gifts to buy. There have been talks about a tree. The 8-year-old version of myself wants to scream “What, are you crazy?!” The 35-year-old kid in me feels good to get excited about Christmas again.

For the past three years our Christmases have been very low-key. I was tight on a budget, I was depressed, in pain, and I certainly wasn’t in the spirit. I almost feel like I want to make up for all the missed laughter and fun moments this year. I think I will decorate early. I will play holiday music and continue watching happy movies. I’ll make a ridiculous amount of cookies and enjoy buying gifts. I look forward to seeing the stores decorated and I’ll see past the frowns on people’s faces and focus on the ones who are smiling. I’m excited to spend time with my family and loved ones this year and I’m going to make it my mission to get the older kids excited for Christmas again, too.

19 thoughts on “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

  1. I’m at least waiting for Thanksgiving to be over before I get in the Christmas spirit. Not that there is anything wrong with personal choice.

  2. By early do you mean before or after Thanksgiving? 😉

    You have so much to celebrate this year, I can understand your desire to start the celebration early. My mother did, though not the decorations. She used to stay up late and make things. Mostly clothes for us, but one year she stayed up making Barbie clothes! A whole wardrobe of lovely fashions including a real beaver fur stole! (It had been in a box and had belonged to one of my grandparents.) When it was done, the pelt had been clipped to mimic Lilliputian mink and was lined in the most wonderful and soft satin…

    Ginger, whatever you decide just have fun with it all! You deserve it. 😀

    1. Your mother sounds like a wonderful and special woman! I can’t imagine how thrilled you must have been to receive such a lovely and thoughtful gift!

      Thank you for your kind words, you deserve a lovely holiday season, too!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving soon…my son will be visiting someone in the States for American Thanksgiving…( we have ours early October due to an earlier fall harvest here)…the plans for Christmas sound good..the idea is to do things early and just enjoy the simple things of Christmas…some shopping might sneak in, a little baking…but it is a time to read, reflect, meditate,visit..and enjoy.

    1. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes! I agree, enjoying the simple things will be wonderful and it will be so great not to rush and feel frantic as the day approaches. I love your comment! Cheers!

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more! Happy early Christmas to you! I’m sure we will be talking more about the babies first holiday(s) as they get closer! 🙂

  4. You know, we really are alike. 🙂
    I’m usually irritated by the Christmas stuff coming out before Halloween, but this year I’m thinking, yeah, okay, I need to start working through my shopping list…
    Folks don’t decorate much in this country, so I don’t have the lights thing, which I miss. 🙂

    1. I started looking today and have 1.5 gifts picked out 🙂 that feels good because I’m usually a last minute shopper! Sorry they don’t decorate where you are, is that Australia? I forget, I’m sorry!

      1. We’re about half way through our shopping, because we’ve got a massive family to buy for. We’re in England, and they’re far more restrained than they are in the States. 🙂

  5. OMG, I so hear you! I always complain about the holiday season being forced down our throats earlier each and every year. I LOVE Christmas, just think it loses it’s meaning because of retailers. But, yes there’s a but, trying to get my online shop in holiday mode for after Thanksgiving is forcing me to get into the spirit early too. Jokes on me! I can’t believe it. We usually put up our tree the 2nd week in Dec., but this year I think I’ll try to push for the first weekend. Especially since Christmas will be very low key this year. I REALLY want to enjoy the special mushy stuff that gives it it’s meaning, all the yummy food, movies, treats, etc, . On that note, tell me more about this “bake a million Christmas cookies”! COOOOOOKIES!

    1. Oh me and my daughter used to bake up a storm back in the day and we are planning on doing it again this year. Who needs a hula hoop more than you? Me! I will after I eat a dozen of dozen cookies!

  6. Ginger, I am sooo happy for you!! I can feel your spirit returning and how happy your kids will be to have their mom back in full FUN spirit! No, I certainly do not like people rushing the holidays, I prefer to enjoy each day as it comes, but I also keep an eye on the upcoming weeks and happily anticipate all that will be coming!!

    1. Thanks, Linda! It does feel great to be happy for real 🙂 I bet you do a lot of fun holiday things, I can’t wait to see what recipes you share!

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