A Fond Farewell to My List of 365 Resolutions

I probably should have posted this yesterday but I was very busy reflecting on 2011 and despite it being the worst year of my life, on the last day of the year, I came to the conclusion that I feel really good about everything I have accomplished. No, I didn’t cross off all of my resolutions but I did get pretty. dang. far.

In fact, I got through more than half of 365 Resolutions I set out to do!

Am I disappointed that I didn’t cross them all off? Hell no! I am superproud of what I have done. With that being said, I am crossing off one final resolution from the list:

Be Proud of an Accomplishment

And with that, I am putting the list to rest. Peace!

I’ve decided not to create a new list, mainly because I think I jinxed myself (yes, I really think that) and also because I think it has fully served it’s purpose. I blogged for a year, I dedicated myself and made it through my first full year of being a writer.  The list honestly got me through many of the worst days of my life by giving me something to focus on instead of caving into the pain, heartache, confusion and fear I’d been consumed with for the better part of the year. But I feel it is time to evolve and leave the past where it belongs.

Of course, I can’t abandon resolutions entirely so I thought long and hard about what would benefit me the most in 2012. This year I have only one resolution, one that I will focus on with all of my heart and soul. I am putting my faith in myself and hope to help as many people in the blog world as I possibly can.

My Resolution for 2012 is to build my self-esteem to the fullest.

Yup, you heard me right! I want to love myself and appreciate my worth. Is there is anyone in the world who doesn’t want that for themselves?

I’ll still be cooking, baking, project messing up creating, working on improving my physical and mental health and writing about life in suburbia. I just really hope to truly discover myself, realize and revel in my strengths, and work hard to repair my weaknesses this year through writing. I am determined to find the love I have searched so long for, but instead of looking to outside sources I am going to look inside of myself.

I hope you will read along during my pursuit of happiness and not only learn a thing or two about self-appreciation and self-love but also share with me and our fellow blogging friends your own personal experiences. I’d love to have guest bloggers this year, so don’t be surprised when you receive an email from me requesting some advice. I have some of the kindest, wonderfully talented and lovely readers in the blogosphere and I know that I wouldn’t feel as strong as I do today if it weren’t for all of you; I want to give that back to anyone who can use it and I hope somehow this small little blog will be able to serve that purpose.

Now wrap your arms around yourselves, give a great big hug and say I love you; I just did, and it felt great!

Happy New Year and thank you all so very much for being a part of my life!


16 thoughts on “A Fond Farewell to My List of 365 Resolutions

  1. My resolution for 2012(it is one too)
    Be responsible for my own happiness. I will no longer wait for people to make me happy or tie my happiness to their actions or reactions..

    wishing you a year full of magic my friend

    1. You picked a fantastic resolution, Sawsan! Hopefully this year I can straighten everything out in my life and adopt yours for next year, I really think it is great!

      Sending some magic your way as well, girlfriend! Hugs!

  2. What I love about this is that you also learned that it’s OK not to have met all those goals. Too many todo’s isn’t always a good thing. In my opinion its better to do a few things well than a lot of things not as well. I look forward to reading more from you in the new year. Here’s hoping your 2012 is filled with more cheer and happy times.

    1. Thanks Tamara, it’s great to hear from you again, I hope you are doing well! You are correct.. To many to-do’s aren’t always a good thing. In fact, it could have been dangerous to my self esteem had I tried to get everything accomplished. My list taught me a lot about myself and it really helped me get through some troubled times as a sort of guide of distractions. I am happy to have only one thing to focus on and I do I feel that in this new year I will grow more as not only a person but a writer who isn’t “chained” to a list of to-do’s.
      Happy 2012 I wish you a year of happiness and bliss 🙂

  3. Ditto to Liz:s comment. I couldn:t have said it better, and sounds like it will be perfect for the year ahead for you!

  4. You’ve done an excellent job this year Ginger! And isn’t the blogosphere a beautiful place? I love it too! Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished!


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